Sunday 1 February 2009

This weekend..

New Packaging Ideas, originally uploaded by lazygiraffe.

Has been a bit hectic over here, we have gained another furry friend in our household, our new cat Jess. She's a beautiful black and white long haired cat, 15months old. Very good natured and purry! We've had a bit of hissing and growling between her and our other cat Tilly, but they are tentatively accepting each other.

All this has meant zero production on the jewellery front. She's having my studio room as her settling in room and so the beads have been safely packed away from her who likes to jump on things and chase chains. Plus furry beaded jewellery is not very nice. Hopefully she'll be settled in soon and my studio will become a cat free zone again.

I have instead been looking at new packaging, i've been meaning to try something new for a while. Currently my packages go out in black gift boxes tied with ribbon. I have lots of gorgeous vintage sheet music paper which works really well as a 'wrap' for the boxes. I am of course colour copying it rather than hacking into the lovely paper!
Its still in progress but I think my packages will be finished with thinner ribbon and maybe a little sticker too.

Look out for new style packaging in your next order!


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  1. the sheet music looks really nice, adds a nice personal touch to the packaging :D She is a gorgeous cat!
