I've been impatiently wanting to add stacking rings to my shop for such a long time, this process is a bit of a learning curve for me as I've not worked with thick wire before.
I've already made a silver ring but I thought I'd experiment with copper which is softer to work and also a bit cheaper!
These three rings are made from 1.6mm copper, two smooth, one hammered finish. I'm not all there with the solder joins yet, they aren't as smooth as I like. But I like the finish and the thickness of the wire.
I'm wearing these with the silver ring I bought, they stack well as a four, or a three, or a two!
Am continuing to work on these, watch this space! Hopefully I'll be back working with the silver soon too.
These look great, I can't see the solder lines on them but then Im not a jeweler!